Pages & Articles Designed by Luke…
Enhanced Forward Presence: Protecting Our NATO Allies and Boosting Land Force Capability in Case of Crisis (Pg 4)
After the Storm - An Update on the National Guard’s Response to Hurricane Maria, Harvey, and Irma (Pg 5 - Pg 9)
California’s Deadly Firestorm - How the California National Guard Ignited Hope Amidst Historic Wildfires (Pg 11 - Pg 14)
What It’s Like to Fly - Four Hours with an Idaho Army National Guard Black Hawk Crew Chief (Pg 15 - Pg 18)
Army Total Force in Action - New Multicomponent Units Augment Active Duty Headquarters (Pg 29 - Pg 32)
Disastrous Floods, Historic Response (Pg 33 - Pg 35)
Never Going Dark - New System Allows for Smoother Communication During Emergency Responses (Pg 37 - Pg 38)
Suicide Intervention Training (Pg 43 - Pg 44)
Cadet Basic Summer Training Camp (Pg 45 - Pg 46)
Operation Opportunity - West Point Increases Opportunities for Army National Guard Soldiers (Pg 47 - Pg 48)
Pay Benefits While on Deployment - What to Expect (Pg 49)
The VA Loan Process (Pg 53 - Pg 54)
Operation Santa Claus (Pg 55 - Pg 58)
Ambassadors of the 34th (Pg 63 - Pg 66)
Back Cover
Sohl Photo & Design does not own any of the content published in this magazine. All copyright belongs to the U.S. Army National Guard.